Pedagogical Approaches

The main focus pedagogy for using Blogs would be to use:

  • a creative inquiry approach 
  • problem solving skills
  • within constructivist communities 
  •  focussed goals clearly defined
  •  reflective learning
  • cooperative groups and individually activities
  • One main Classroom strategy used would be:

    PPP: Partner, Peer, Professional
    • Students ask the student next to them- their partner
    • The next step would be to ask another peer
    • Then if the problem hasn't been resolved a professional. This could be first a student with expertise, then a Teacher Aide or parent and lastly the teacher.

Through these approaches students actively develop deeper knowledge and a strong skills base for lifelong learning (Treadwell, 2008)

This connectivist framework promotes decision making enhancing critical literacy as suggested by Siemens, 2004. 

Try this:

Using book marking sites, like ‘Diigo’ with a main Blog page, assists to scaffold learning for young students. It refines the project management and maintains direction.

Diigo website for this focus 

Above displays a ‘Blooms’ approach to learning in the cloud. The focus being flexibilty, choice, accommodation of learning styles and abilities through multiple tools and methods leading to 'Higher Order Thinking'.


BIM is a software for online assessment which is now available to be used with Blogs making assessment easier and more accessible on the ‘Cloud’.  

Click here to access a video on BIM integration into your Blog.